Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Blog is now moved to DhaneshNair.com
Visit the new site for latest updates

Ganesha Sthuthi

The Blog is now moved to DhaneshNair.com
Visit the new site for latest updates

Unveiling the Logo for JustForUU

My friend, was really behind me to continue writing for JustForUU. Thanks to her, for making me aware that some times it is worth to spend time for our passion too.

Here is the new logo for Ninakkay Mathram, your favorite Blog

The Blog is now moved to DhaneshNair.com
Visit the new site for latest updates

Finally a Facebook Page for JustForUU

Being a late entrant in Social Media Blogging, I lost all those unique names, so had to be satisfied with http://www.facebook.com/DhanusJustForUU.

Please like my page if you find it worthy to be.