I was at Manipal hospital by 8.45 to do an endoscopy. As usual I started late and somehow reached hospital on time. I reached gastroenterolory (holy...) department and I was asked to be in hospital uniform.
Then started our wait for the doctor to reach. It seems a huge list of people are waiting for the procedure. I imagined few scape goats waiting in a queue to be drilled in with tubes and wires. I was amused by the thought. People came out coughing,sneezing and vomiting which left me with strands of fear. Finally I was being called.
I went in, they sprayed a liquid in my throat. I think its some anaesthetic stuff. They fixed a holder in my mouth, and then on whole thing got started. I was asked to swallow a pipe through which they can insert the camera. They were asking me to swallow which screwed me. I felt like slapping them and put this crap inside their bowel. They kept pumping some liquid in, turning the camera and now I realized why others came out vomiting. I controlled all my urges and finally things got over. While walking out I can see those scary images in the screen of the operator.