Sunday, July 19, 2009

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When they created an id for me

I get lot of friend requests after reading my blog. Few people type their comments and suggestions in the shout box also. I try to reply most of them irrespective of their gender where in I don’t reply if I feel that is from a fake id . Many of my friends knew about it, and they created a fake id called Shreya. Most interestingly the full name was Once I got a mail asking for my photos on nature and the person who used the id said it was very nice. I mailed them to that ID because I do such things when my readers ask me to. Normally lot of people send me message through mail, chat and even anonymous chats through leave a message option.
After a day she added me to gtalk and started chatting with me. I checked the ip from which she was chatting and that was from a US proxy. I even asked her if she is working somewhere and she replied that she is a student. She often pinged me at my work and I thought that she was real.
Second day itself I told her that I am engaged and chat continued like that. Some days after I saw her online, since we were chatting more about blog, photography and those topics of my interested, I pinged her. Quiet some time I didn’t saw her online. I felt some missing links in between, US proxy, Shreya and Nair (Normally people don’t combine such names)
Recently we had a sendoff party, in which my colleague came and asked if I know Shreya. All my missing links came together for me to visualize the trap. I went in to the chat to know if I had told anything wrong (It was not because I don’t believe me, but just to confirm that I didn’t say anything which was not needed). Actually I feel proud about it, if some people spend a lot of effort in making fool of you then you really are someone to be admired. Thanks guys for making me realize that. Any ways I don’t have any hard feelings on that.

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