Saturday, November 21, 2009

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Your Vigilance is required: Real Story

I went to an Indian Oil petrol bunk today in RT Nagar,Bangalore. I told the guy who was standing near the petrol dispenser that I need petrol for Rs. 100. When I opened the petrol tank lid of my bike, that guy confirmed me that its Zero reading in it. He then put the handle into the petrol tank, while the cash collector near me asked if I would like to go for an xtrapremium card. I said no and when I turned back to the dispenser, it was set to Rs 30 but in a different format. The guy near the dispenser said that it was thirty by then. I went blank for a second, I didn’t noticed the petrol flow and meanwhile the cashier scolded him that I need petrol for Rs 100. He filled it for another 70Rs more and told me that he is done with it.

I noticed the display format change in the dispenser and raised my voice to the guy. He looked at me as he understood nothing and the cashier was pretending that he didn’t know anything happened around and asked the guy fill petrol for another Rs 30 more. I got a bit angry and told the cashier that it is not good to fool people diverting there attention and playing with the quantity. Both of their faces went pale, when they realised that I noticed their foul play. Guys Caution: Fill petrol from the bunks you regulary fill and always keep and eye on the readings of the dispenser especially when you are in a car.


Anonymous said...

Dhanesh..This happens quite often in Blore. Old airport road and marthahalli bunks are famous for these.

Vijay Nair said...

God one i feel you have gone to the RT nagar bunk where this happens always.